Get +200 CMA part 2 Exam Comprehensive Review Flashcards & Prepare Your Exam in Less Time.
CMApp is designed to let you gain time & efforts in the preparation of your CMA exam.
By using this app you guarantee time effectivesness, better understanding of the course content and higher score.
The premium application is suitable for CMA candidates, CIA, CPA, CISA, CIMA, ACCA, ACA, CA,CFE candidates, management accounting students , researchers & professionals.
This app contains the following chapters:
1. CMA P2 Terminology
2. CMA P2 Ratios
3. CMA p2 Finance
4. Ethics for Management Accountants
5. Ratio Analysis
6. Profitability Analysis
7. Investment Risk
8. Financial Instruments 1
9. Financial Instruments 2
10. Managing Current Assets
11. Raising Capital, Corporate Restructuring, and International Finance 1
12. Raising Capital, Corporate Restructuring, and International Finance 2
13. Raising Capital, Corporate Restructuring, and International Finance 3
14. CVP Analysis
15. Decision Analysis & Risk
16. Investment Decisions
17. CMA P2 Hardest
18. Night of Exam Review
19. Exam Rapid Review 1
20. Exam Rapid Review 2
21. Exam Rapid Review 3
22. Exam Rapid Review 4
The title Certified Management Accountant (CMA) is used by various professional accounting bodies around the world to designate their professional certifications for Cost and Management Accounting.
CMAs are expected to undergo specific training and practical experience to achieve specified competencies in the area of strategic management accounting, which are intended to prepare them for senior leadership roles in their organizations.[12] There are six functional competencies and four enabling competencies in that regard:
Functional competencies
Strategic management
Risk management and governance
Performance management
Performance measurement
Financial management
Financial reporting
Enabling competencies
Problem solving and decision making
Leadership and group dynamics
Professionalism and ethical behaviour